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Cofffe and a ride...

Discussion in 'Walla Walla' started by Wistrick, Feb 25, 2010.

  1. Coffee 10ish @ Starbucks corner Main and 1st across from Aloha Sushi...

    Ride to Walla Walla Dam and dam near lewiston ID....Dam riders welcome to join us....

  2. Guess next time I should but a date or at least a day on it :banghead:

    my bad


  3. You STILL haven't put a day or date for it!!:nana

  4. im in walla walla wlot visitin my girl ... let me know i ride the bad ass loud r1 always ridin wheelies in walla walla .. just got the zx10r and needin a few things for it nto make it a wheelie machine