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Banning lane-splitting is Unconstitutional?

Discussion in 'Motorcycle Talk' started by motoru, Jun 27, 2015.

  1. Another lawyer here...Caselaw is correct. The short answer is "nope".
    caslaw likes this.
  2. A more direct and less diplomatic answer.^

  3. Bluuu

    Bluuu Señor verde

    Not voting in this state pegs you as a conservative. I would ordinarily congratulate you, except that your lack of knowledge of the constitution indicates your existence as a knuckle dragging mouth breather. The last thing conservatives in this state need is the level of ignorance you display.

    Be gone fool.
  4. What's more sad is that the SOTUS justices are ignorant of the constitution, and they have the power to enforce it.
  5. ^Wat?

    Considering driving/riding isn't a constitutionally protected right, the constitutionality of traffic laws isn't the right tree to be barking up. The legislature is who has the power to change this stuff at the state level.

    As for not voting/engaging, Motoru, depending on where you live in Bellevue, one of your state reps could be the House transportation committee chair -- arguably the most powerful transportation policy legislator in the state. If you're not going to vote or advocate for you issues with those who represent you, what's the point of bitching about it? You can't have a chip on your shoulder claiming government (not the courts) failed you if you didn't try in the first place...
  6. theJrod

    theJrod Racer Extraordinaire

    Let's not forget that lane-splitting isn't legal in CA either - it's just widely tolerated. Like hipsters and weed.