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Broken collarbone - time to heal?

Discussion in 'Motorcycle Talk' started by liberpolly, Jul 2, 2015.

  1. So I was taken down by a senile old lady driver. So far, the worst damage is broken right collarbone. Those of you who had such injury - how long did it take for you to ride again?
  2. I was off line for 6 weeks when I broke my collar bone. That was when I was 21 and healed a bit faster. I had to talk the Doc into letting me go back to sea. I may have fibbed a bit during the exam. It still hurt like hell but I told him I was good to go.

  3. 2 weeks but I had a fractured clavicle, kinda close.
  4. PeteN95

    PeteN95 Moderator Staff Member

    2 months when I broke mine high siding off a YSR50, not pleasant with that damn figure 8 thing. But I saw Mike Sullivan break his high siding in T2 at Laguna Seca and race the next weekend at Pacific Raceway!? I really don't know how, mine hurt like hell and he was older when he did it.
  5. Are you going to pin it or have it heal naturally? There's a huge differernce.
  6. I'll see what doctor says next week.

    Thanks for sharing, everyone!
  7. I was back on with in a week but I wore the stupid figure 8 brace. I never have had any of my broken collar bones pinned or plated. Normal recovery is 8 to 10 weeks but the pain will still be there the whole time ;)
  8. Well yeah, Sully isn't a mortal like us.
  9. Broken collarbone club!
    SpinCycle likes this.
  10. how come did you get one and all i got is some pathetic black sling?
  11. which one is faster?
  12. Naturally healing. Titanium adds weight.:p
  13. it displaces the drilled out bone, are you sure? man, i hate typing with my left hand...
  14. Marrow is less weight than titanium. Plus it's used to produce blood which Ti doesn't. Of course the most important thing is that your lap time will decrease by a whole 3 parsecs.

    Dude, I'm sitting here with a broken right shoulder and going through the same issues you are. Never thought that wiping my ass would be a pain in the shoulder!
  15. let's share sob stories! wiping ass, scratching, opening beer bottles!

    never has i hated comedies with such passion! every "ha" follows with "ow". and then my daughter thinks it's funny, and her laugh is contagious!
  16. I go back in 2 weeks to see how things are healing and then they'll tell me if I'm getting pins and screws. 90% sure that I'm not, but would like to know one way or another from a professional ortho doc and not my own opinion.

    I can picture that contagious laugh and how it becomes a vicious, vicious cycle! Pun intended, since I've got nothing better to do!
  17. At least they don't wrap you in a gypsum cast anymore - like they used to do when I was a kid...
  18. Maybe cause mine was snapped in 2 places? No clue. But having it plated is waaaaaaaay faster for healing time and you can be back on faster. This was like 20 years ago so maybe that is why I was given that brace, I have like 7 or so of those somewhere around here if you need one.
  19. Loud pipes would have saved ya
  20. Broke mine in 3 places, took 8 weeks to heel, the first 4 suck. Sleep in a recliner.