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Another reason to be careful out there!!

Discussion in 'Motorcycle Talk' started by Avboden, Apr 4, 2009.

  1. the new Fast and Furious movie came out


    watch out for them ricers! Seriously I remember when tokyo drift came out, the number of them doing stupid stuff and wanting to race me went up exponentially
  2. i'd be more concerned about riddick.

    he'll kill you with his tea cup.

  3. srsly tho, yeah, those fucking things are the scourge of modern society. can't remember the number of times i've almost been killed by them.

  4. Aw fuck. I remember when drift came out too. 18 year olds with no driving skills trying to race me and cutting within inches of me in their Civic DX hatchbacks.

    Might be time to start carrying a safety hammer again... It should only take one window being shattered to convince them to leave me the hell alone.
  5. i like your approach! if it lands me in jail, at least i get the satisfaction of knowing i showed 'em what's up. :mfclap: crackup:
  6. Lone Rider

    Lone Rider Streetfighter

    Yea should work, until they return the favor.
    Civic fender vs. motorcycle. Not so good.
    Gotta figure if they are stupid enuf to be influenced by a jackass movie, they are gonna do something really stupid in retaliation. Let them be.
    A line in another movie covers it;
    "Stupid is, as stupid goes."
    Don't get screwed by being stupider than stupid.
  7. No offense, but if you don't run away after you shatter their window then you probably deserve it.

    It takes them a second to figure out what just happened, and you should take that second or two to run like hell. If you can't outrun them then you done fucked up.
  8. Great....
    Now we're advocating road rage.:tard:
  9. in all fairness, they started it with their douchery.

    i've always been a firm believer in "if you can't back up your attitude, then gtfo my face."
  10. If someone's trying to share your lane to show you how "cool" they are and show off their "drivin' skillz" at your safety's expense wouldn't you be tempted to dissuade them? It's not like I'm advocating shooting them, or even necessarily hurting their cars, but showing them that you have a hammer might keep them at a safe distance, since we all know that if we run from them they'll chase us and when the WSP pulls both of us over the rider's getting the bigger ticket.
  11. remember when you were 6 and "he started it" didn't work either?


    -1 to road rage

    -1 to avboden for creating another worthless thread
  12. Bullshit.
    That'll get you killed on the road.

    -1 to you too. I have all sorts of options to get out of the situation. Try 'splainin that ol Hammer to the cop or the judge.

    Fukin Eh.
  13. tedg04

    tedg04 ted sux


    Let's bitch about the stupid cagers before they do anything. Ghey. Ghey. Ghey.
  14. I've been told this exact thing about sportbikes.
  15. LOL ^^^^ What a POS crackup:

    Here's another one :tard:

  16. i bet that car is hella fast:secret: