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Anyone riding tomorrow?

Discussion in 'Portland Region' started by redfactor, Aug 23, 2014.

  1. Got a new bike and rounded up a helmet. I haven't owned a bike since I've lived in Portland and would love to meet some people and learn some roads.
  2. I would like to get out some locally to get some riding.

  3. There is a meet going on at High Side riders club house...
    KSU at 12 I think.
    They are gonna ride then have a bbq after.
    I will tag along with a friend or two, then break off and do some twisties I think.
    You can follow me if you want, or do as you please.... I am Anders, I ride the White Ducati Streetfighter.
    2854 NE 65th Ave, Vancouver, WA 98661
    It was an open invite to PDX/PNW/Etc.
    If you wanna come... go ahead!
    I am not part of HSR, I am just informin yall