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Bikini Bike Wash

Discussion in 'Motorcycle Talk' started by blueline15, Aug 27, 2013.

  1. The harder I laugh the more guilty I feel
  2. Haha. Is that a bike's way of saying, "get off me skank!"
  3. Oh god I hope she's ok, I'm glad she was able to land on that woman maybe she didn't get hurt too bad.
  4. mjn

    mjn Forum Admin Staff Member

  5. In all seriousness that could have broken a leg/ankle/foot. Not enough skinny chicks to go around these days.
  6. Yeah because they do stupid shit like that and take themselves out.
  7. james1300

    james1300 Track School Dazed

    Bahahahahaha!!!^^^ What he said!
  8. Survival of the fittest. Motorcycle wins!
    "stupid woman"
  10. DGA

    DGA Moderator

    What an amateur. Any stripper worth her weight in $1 bills knows that she should use her ass and legs and not leverage and pull on the bike/pole.
    sfmc x1 likes this.