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Breaking News!!! Rabid Otters Invade Indy!

Discussion in 'Racing' started by Nefarious, Aug 27, 2011.

  1. Thanks much! Care to show me how you did it? Do we have a
     tag to embed? code with? 
  2. You could tell he came around the corner and was like "What the hell?"
  3. i don't think he wants any bumps.
  4. Good job on Stoner for missing it. Goes to show that he really is good, ... as killing something is the easiest thing to do, but letting something live is quite a bit harder.
  5. pjd

    pjd Moderator

    Wasn't an otter.
    Was a honey badger.
    Because honey badger don't give a shit.
  6. PeteN95

    PeteN95 Moderator Staff Member

    Track weasels!? crackup: