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Lunchtime rides for a total n00b?

Discussion in 'Adventure Time' started by liberpolly, Nov 4, 2014.

  1. Hi all! I am learning to ride at the ripe age of late 40s, and I happen to have a job in Redmond with flexible hours, so I can take off a hour or two during the day to ride; and I am considering getting something like TW200.

    So my question is: are there some easy trails to ride around Redmond/Bellevue within 1..2 hours round trip (ride there, ride the trail, get back)?
  2. PeteN95

    PeteN95 Moderator Staff Member

  3. What Pete said..
    I usually plan 4 hours for ride time -
    Not so sure in your neck of the WOODS - but....
  4. If you go out to Carnation you might be able to find something, but you'll have to be creative. Also, there are some trails in Monroe but you won't have very much time to ride if you only have two hours. Good luck!
  5. PeteN95

    PeteN95 Moderator Staff Member

  6. figure on going on the weekends instead
  7. Thanks for the links! What about forest roads, is anybody riding on those? Worth exploring?
  8. PeteN95

    PeteN95 Moderator Staff Member

    Welcome, don't think there are any legal forest roads very near either? I know some fun ones up North. :evil4: