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Need a North Cali Lawyer

Discussion in 'Motorcycle Talk' started by EvilGilligan, Aug 14, 2014.

  1. Family member just got cited by CHiPs in Shasta Co. for going 94 in a 70 ... took her info, said he'd mail her the ticket. Need a lawyer to manage this. Any recommendations/ advice / experience with Cali tix?

    feel free to PM if you deem appropriate.
  2. nope, reach out or look on the BARF forum

  3. Sorry..don't have any lawyer advice but odd they did not give ticket right there..I believe anything over 20 is reckless in Cali and they tow you...weird.
  4. It might not apply to non-residents, but when I lived there you could do on-line traffic school to not have it show up on your record.
  5. she did say the officer "did her a solid", and this is prob what she meant. This is why I'm so hot to lawyer up.
  6. Well it is also weird they didn't issue ticket right then and there. I just moved to WA from CA..never heard of them pulling you over and not issuing. They don't even send reminders for billing anymore to save money so sending tickets they could have given you at time of offense does not seem logical.

    I would have her call the juristication and see if she even has a ticket..he might have let her slide.