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Nesting Bird...

Discussion in 'Sports/Recreation' started by Blueyedgirl, Apr 22, 2011.

  1. I have this robin in my yard that is nesting and it is shitting all over my house, my decks, my windows!!! I tried to kill the thing with my 22 and the bird is way too frickin small and fast. Any suggestions?? I am ready to pull a hillbilly move and sit on the front porch in my rocker with gun in hand and not leave my post until I kill that bird… Ha ha I mean really who do you call for back up when a bird is f*ing with you and you want it dead!!
  2. Try a GE XM214!

    Or maybe get some bird shot for your .22

  3. Thanks for the suggestion, I am going to head to Yeagers tomorrow and pick up some pest control ammo. I hope it works...
  4. It'd be funner if you used the XM214!
  5. Well the f*ing bird must be clairvoyant, because I have not seen him in a few Oh well, the end result is the same; no more shit on my house!! :thefinge: