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Oil level question...

Discussion in 'Eastside' started by Synstars, Apr 27, 2015.

  1. So this morning my 2005 SV650S was low on oil after warming up and letting sit for a few minutes. It seems that I did not put enough oil during the oil change and only used about 2.1L instead of the 2.3L. Well, I then proceeded to put oil in the motor and when I checked it a second time (run the motor 5 mins and sit 3-5 mins then stand straight) I am not slightly over the "FULL" line.

    Should I be trying to slowly drain a bit out so it is below the fill line? Will this cause any damage? If I had to guess based on the amount I put I am somewhere under 0.1L over. I didn't think it would be an issue but please correct me if I am wrong.

  2. RedKat600

    RedKat600 Vintage Screwball Staff Member

    Not an issue. Unless the window is completely full....then I would consider draining some out.

  3. Right on, thanks!