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sleds anyone

Discussion in 'Eastside' started by simon954, Dec 7, 2006.

  1. Snow is pretty ok now ,if anyone rides let me know,we go every weekend
  2. Where do you go??? Would be interested!!

  3. blues maybe or calispel peak
  4. I'll ride if ya got an xtra...hehe...only have money for two jeeps and a bike...sleds next tho...I go with some friends, but they have a sled for me, so what can I say...usually mt spokane cuz its always last minute
  5. i may be buying another today i will let you know
  6. rider X

    rider X Guest

    dennis just got one, guess he will come out and ride with you soon, after we finish getting it put together in a week or so.
  7. right, I am going to the indoor snowmobil park that has a heater and some hot chocolate on hand!

    I dont know why I bought that silly thing, I HATE THE COLD!!!

    But I got a pretty good sled for a pretty good price, so whatever, if i ride it once i got my moneys worth~~
  8. yeah i wanna know where that place is.....
  9. Never tried one yet, got to do that one of these days.