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Texting while driving

Discussion in 'Motorcycle Talk' started by GS1200, May 24, 2012.

  1. A friend of mine spotted a guy texting while RIDING today...
  2. If it was TWD, good crush. Tard won't do it again.
    Last edited: May 26, 2012

  3. I had a good ride until some lady on the road was texting and driving. She decided to lane change and text at the same time. She didnt see me at all.. i layed on the horn and got her attention but she decided "oh he'll slow down" and decided to lane change anyways and went back to what she was doing on the phone. Im not a contributor to road rage but, that pissed me off.. so i rode right next to her and flipped her the bird and she acted all shocked as if she didnt do anything wrong or dangerous. AYFKM!! Obviously people dont learn from other peoples ignorance and stupidity.
  4. Definitely not, you can't fix stupid.
  5. I'll have to read this thread more closely when I get home.

    Sent via Android.
    Last edited: May 26, 2012
  6. We do, I don't know the RCW but I know its out there. It may not be well supported or have some huge loopholes, which my be why cops use other tickets?

  7. That does make sense. But the problem with that argument is that it is that higher speeds make any accident much, much worse. I'd rather get rear ended at 25 than 185, or 26 for that matter. There are dip shits everywhere, and they prove it to me every day.