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Time to 'fess up...

Discussion in 'Westside' started by JohnnyM, Jul 11, 2015.

  1. Which one of you douchebags was it?

  2. Where exactly is this at?

  3. OK JohnnyM so ya got a brand new go pro and a can of red spray paint, right?
  4. Haha, I see you like my video. This is on Frager Rd in Kent.
    JohnnyM likes this.
  5. Douchebag, ho! LOL!
  6. How am I the douchebag? I didn't paint it on the road.
  7. Guilty by association. You went to Kent, you gets what you gets!
  8. I guess you're right on the guilty by association part. Damn you Kent!
  9. Kent: not even once.
  10. Well crap, I'm screwed then. I work there five days a week...